How to Cancel Your Subscription

In this article, we will walk you through the process of canceling your subscription from start to finish. This should be an easy process. Please contact our support center if you have any questions.

  • Before we get started, please make sure you're logged in to your Nuelink account.
  • To cancel your subscription, you will need to be the account owner.
  • If you cannot cancel your subscription, please contact our support center.

Now, let's jump into it

  1. Click on Settings on the navbar.

  1. Click on Billing.

  1. Scroll down and click on Cancel your account at the bottom of the page.

  1. If you want to cancel due to an issue you encountered, select this option and ask your question or describe your issue, and we will help you:

  1. If your current plan is not meeting your needs, consider selecting this option and changing your current plan:

  1. if you want to cancel your account, select this option and click on Continue Cancelation:

  1. Select a reason for your cancelation here:

  1. To proceed and help us improve our service, please provide us with some feedback:

  1. Lastly, confirm by clicking Cancel Subscription:

Once you cancel your subscription, you will still be a Nuelink user and you can continue to use our tool as a Free Plan user.

If all else fails, please contact our support center here so we can help you solve this issue. 

This is it for this tutorial, please check our Help Center for further tutorials. We have many videos and articles on how you can use Nuelink to its fullest. 

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